
Without Dermalise

I will apply a dressing after finishing your tattoo, usually dermalise or cling film depending on how bleed you are. This is so that once you leave the studio no bacteria can enter the wound. Please don’t play with or remove this dressing until you are able to wash the tattoo thoroughly. We usually recommend you leave the dressing on for three hours or so even if you do arrive home early, this is so the new tattoo cannot dry out and your skin can push out any excess ink or plasma without the risk of becoming exposed to contaminants. If there is an excess amount of liquid then I would wash it sooner then again later.

The wrapped tattoo can be left wrapped for quite some time, especially if the dermalize is used but when you do decide to unwrap the tattoo make sure you wash the tattoo thoroughly straight away, even five minutes without the dressing on can lead to dried blood, ink and plasma and cause scabbing.

When you unwrap the tattoo make sure your hands and the surrounding environment are very clean, there will be an interesting set of liquids under that dressing so don’t be alarmed if it looks like Bob Ross’s sink, especially if you have had a colour tattoo.

Wash the tattoo with your hand and some unscented anti-bacterial hand soap, such as Carex, avoid a bar of soap as you never know what’s sat on the surface of one of those things. Wash it with warm water until all the “gunk” has gone, it will sting like sunburn but you must make sure that first wash is thorough! Use warm water at first, then after you have finished washing, rinse the tattoo in cold water to close the pores.

Pat the tattoo dry gently with some fresh out of the packet kitchen roll, then leave it to air dry for 15 minutes. To dry do not use a towel or toilet roll, both can leave dirt and microfibers in the tattoo. If you don’t have kitchen roll then leave it to dry out naturally. It is very important that during this drying time you do not let anything touch the tattoo. If you have clinisoothe, which we thoroughly recommend, spray it on the tattoo at this stage.

Once the tattoo is dry, rewrap in cling film (or dermalize) not too many layers, these will cause the temperature to rise which would be the perfect temperature for bacteria and although you need to wrap it well don’t wrap it too tight! Tattoos can swell so if that happens your arm will look like a trussed ham and be very uncomfortable!

Repeat the removal, cleaning, drying 3 times a day for the first two days, if you have to work or do anything which involves a lot of dirt or dust or tight clothing, keep repeating the process until the morning of day 4 when you can remove cling film, wash dry and then leave open to the elements.

If the tattoo comes into contact with any dirt, grease, weird things-wash it again or spray with clinisoothe.

On day 4 once you have stopped the wrapping process continue to wash and dry your tattoo twice a day

Soon your new tattoo will start to feel dry or tight, now you can start using a combination of clinisoothe and the other tattoo lotion you have chosen.

We recommend a light-heavy nourishing, natural moisturiser depending on what you would normally use on your skin. You can use most lanolin/petroleum free products. I usually recommend one of the following

Cocoa butter

Coconut oil



Moisturisers specifically designed for tattooing such as Butterluxe, Hustle butter, Yayo etc

Before you apply this please make sure that your hands are very clean! And if you are using a tub of aftercare please don’t double dip! Usually people use this lotion 2-4 times a day but this, and which lotion to use depends on whether your skin is dry/oily/too sexy/evil/bearskin/regular boring skin.

During this whole process I recommend you stick to loose “lockdown” style clothing because boots rubbing or jeans can rub off areas of scabbing, which can take the colour out. If you know you have to wear work uniforms etc I recommend you use Dermalize for 4-5 days. It is more convenient because you don’t have to  keep changing it, the dressing sticks better and it is also totally breathable.


  • Soak your tattoo in water for at least 14 days. No swimming or baths, no exceptions.
  • No sun exposure to the fresh tattoo. Keep that little bean covered. Even when healed the sun will wreak it’s wicked intent on your tattoo so always use factor 50 suncream!
  • Get drunk/lit before or immediately after your tattoo. Your body needs to be in good nick and if your liver is trying to process the moonshine it won’t be healing the tattoo as well as it could. Not to mention after a few ciders it’s pretty easy to fall over and scratch your freshly tattooed leg up and get gravel in it and get an infection and have to go to hospital a week later. Yes that happened to me, I did it so you don’t have to. A drink or two is fine but try to be sensible yeah?

With Dermalize/Saniderm/Butterfluxe tattoo film

I recommend Dermalize for healing as I get a lot done in one session. The best instructions for how to heal with this can be found here

I also recommend you buy Clinisoothe for use during and after your tattoo. It kills all viruses and bacteria without irritating or changing the PH balance of your skin. It lso comes in a spray bottle so you don’t have to touch your tattoo if you need to use it whilst you are out and about without proper handwashing areas.

Then after clinisoothe during the itchy part of your tattoo (day 5 onwards) we recommend a light-heavy nourishing, natural moisturiser depending on what you would normally use on your skin. You can use most lanolin/petroleum free products. I usually recommend one of the following

Cocoa butter

Coconut oil



Moisturisers specifically designed for tattooing such as Butterluxe, Hustle butter, Yayo etc

If you have any questions please contact me-

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