Black Rabbit

I’ve been enjoying my time at Black rabbit in Newbury a lot. I know I’m only a guest artist but all the guys have made me feel really welcome. And I’ve done some really fun tattoos too.
I’ve been tattooing Becca for around 3 years and she let me do this lovely lock and key,and jazz up an old butterfly. Sat like a rock too which is a bonus. The sides of this pic are a bit of a montage on Helen Courtenage’s arm

After a year I finally finished Mark’s ladyface sleeve. Very fond of this one! It was nice to spend such a lot of time with an old friend.

Here is a shot of something small I added to Hannah’s half sleeve before Xmas

Here is a photo of Christian’s finished sleeve too, I started this one 3 and a half years ago so it was nice to finally finish it-also good to see how much my tattooing has changed over the years. You can see on this shiny pic where I’ve gone back in and reworked a few bits

In other news, the Jericho studio is coming along. This weekend we are getting all the equipment down there and Monday is a meeting to see if it’s ready for opening! How exciting, we still haven’t found a place to move into in Oxford yet but I’m hoping it’ll all fall into place.


Happy new year

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and new year! I did, I got very drunk, received a cheeseboard and my boyfriend dressed in drag! Hurray!
Well good news, the new tattoo parlour in Oxford should be all set up and ready to go by the 11th of February so I’m now taking tattoo bookings for February and March! Email me via the contact form on this site if you’d like to book in.
The lovely Madame Silver who I will be working with will be taking bookings for laser tattoo removal consults from mid February too, again just email to enquire!

I have January cancellations free here and there if anyone wants to grab them. Otherwise I’ll be using the free time to sketch, paint, and house hunt in Oxford as we still haven’t found a place to move house yet! Ooh err.

It’s an exciting venture opening your own tattoo studio! Exciting but stressful

Obligatory Christmas post!

Hey everyone, so on Friday I had my last day at picture house in Chippenham- which was sad but I am happy to have met some wonderful people and had a well needed “good time” at work for the last 3 months!
Who knew that was even possible?


I will miss those crazy people, but will see them on the regs at conventions next year!
here is a tattoo I did on my last day

pissed up old tomcat on Ed, I want to do more like this!

The good news is I have found a permanent place to work in Jericho in Oxford as of February 2014 and will officially be an Oxford tattooist! It’s a private studio in the heart of Jericho, 5 minutes walk from Oxford train station. So it is mega easy for all you Reading and Berkshire people to get to. If you have an appointment with me I will be phoning you to tell you where it is don’t worry!

Here is a christmassy tattoo I managed to get a totally healed photo of recently

I’ll keep you all updated on the Oxford antics and once I move all my stuff to the new studio I’ll snap some pics!
I hope everyone has a good christmas and a happy new year!

New beginnings

Hey everyone, hope you like the updated site! I wanted to have one that I could update more easily, maybe add a shop to and just keep the blog going.
I absolutely love working in Picture house tattoo studio, all the gals there are not only amazingly talented, but funny and great to work with too. I think that has reflected in my work since starting there as well, less stress and a nicer working environment=more time to focus on tattooing! art and just generally being happier.
Did my first ever (semi) realistic pet portrait on Chris


Which was a lot of fun, I want to do more of those for definite.
I haven’t got many new finished tattoos to post up as unfortunately I’ve been off for two weeks with whiplash after a car crash. Not a great thing for a tattooist to get with the neck and back ache etc!
At least I’ve been making the most of my time off (zonked on painkillers I might add) by getting some lady based artwork started for prints!
Here are a few sneak peeks, but not letting you see the finished articles Until they are all ready!



Aaand in other news I will be getting my car back tomorrow and back at work, fighting fit on Thursday. I managed to go out for a few drinks (probably shouldn’t have with the painkillers and all but I couldn’t miss another outing down to bad luck)
Here is a picture of us all looking very…ahem, glamorous before we headed off to Swindon


That is all for now lovely people.


First blog

Sooo this week has been a goodun, I confirmed my place at picture house tattoo in Chippenham and did a lot of fun tattoos.

I haven’t got to do many black and grey tattoos since working at electric lady, but this week I managed to do a few. Which is a fun change.

here is an angel I did on Simon



And I made a start on this candle for Liam (it’s going to be in full colour eventually though


Been looking for houses near the train station in Bristol too…very excited.