Tattoo Tea party

Hey there you lovely little crumble-pups, hope your February is going as well as it can be- what a horrid month! So me and Madame Silver will be leaving Oxford for the weekend as we attend Tattoo Tea Party in Manchester. It’s going to be so cool, hundreds of great artists all under one roof! If you’re there come up and say hi! I’ll have prints for sale and Jen will have jewellery and lotions on the stand.

Anyway, last week I got to start lots of new exciting pieces! But unfortunately I didn’t get to finish any!! Here are some of the many!


Started this lovely owl lady on Bryony and she sat like a champ!!sdgfsdfgsdfg

And I started this fox and stag piece on Teddy ( I tattooed him 3 years ago- that swallow on his chest!) More to go, I’m really getting loads more confident with black and grey now, so pleased with this piece.


And got to start this baby foxy stargazer on Abbie ( who is an absolute star and helped me with my taxes!) loads more to go but hopefully next time won’t be as pinchy! Sorry for hurting you bean!


And got to start this Harry Potter themed chest piece! So much fun, more HP stuff please!! There should be droves of people in Oxford wanting to get Harry Potter tattoos, this is where Hogwarts is.

I drew this doe that I’d like to tattoo, along with a bunch of other things22222

To have a look at all the sketches I do that I want to tattoo you can go to this album on my facebook page. Keep an eye out and if I ever get a cancellation if you snap one of the designs up I may very well give you a good deal 😉


That’s all for now chickadees!

Sleeves, laser tattoo removal and preparing the studio

Hey everyone, how have the dreary winter months been treating you? For me it’s usually the worst time of year but due to living in Oxford it hasn’t actually been too bad. We have re-organised the studio so now we have more space and it feels way more homely!

Here is a preview


But you could always pop down to Jericho Tattoo Emporium to see it yourself!

I got both laser tattoo removal from the lovely Madame Silver ( getting a sleeve removed) she is so good at what she does I barely even feel it (after the first 30 seconds of surprise) If you have a tattoo you don’t like laser really is so amazing.

I also got tattooed by Aruba Blue



I looove my new tattoo! She is so good at linework.

After 3 years I finally finished Mark’s second sleeve! Here are some bad photos I managed to grab before my camera ran out of battery.

fdgdrdg wexdssds3

Here is a little freehand tattoo I did on my pal Vikx of a rubber duckie!after

Thanks for looking guys <3



Week one

So the first week back in Jericho Tattoo Emporium was a great one.

Got a bit more done on Aubrey’s Jackelope Sleeve


Also got a healed shot of Jessie’s Flamingo tattoo


and started another tattoo on her too, a large peacock piece! Can’t wait to show you a photo of that next time she comes to Oxford.

And I got some more done on Victoria’s little mermaid tattoo



It’s my day off today, a busy one of course but after I get all my little jobs, drawing, sketching, updates and emails done I might go and have a little wander round Oxford.

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!





Happy new year

Hey everyone, hope you had a goodun! Happy 2015 etc etc.

Before christmas I did a fair few tattoos that I was really happy with, the first one was this kingfisher watercolour style


Loooved doing this on Kerry, she’s coming back to Oxford soon for a stag on the other thigh 🙂

Since the last blog post I finished the Radagast tattoo, this was one that was completely out of my comfort zone but I enjoyed doing it so much and it turned out even better than I thought it would. Wizard tattoos win


And here is a black swan tattoo which I absolutely love the result of too. There are plenty of swans around Oxford for me to use as reference. This rose with water droplets was absolute heaven to tattoo!


I started this Beauty and the beast tattoo just after christmas, Disney tattoos are starting to get really big and I just love putting my own spin on the disney artwork. As a tattoo artist it’s a huge priority for me to never do the same tattoo twice.


Managed to finish Chris’ Mexican day of the dead themed leg sleeve. When doing tattoos based on artwork from another culture I try and put enough of my style in it so as not to appropriate anything too much. My main concern is to do a tattoo that looks amazing without being offensive. Cultural appropriation is a big issue in tattooing, and I feel it’s our duty as responsible tattooists to read up on it and reach a good compromise between what people want, sensitivity to cultural issues and also our artistic integrity.

If you would like to read more about cultural appropriation here is a link to a good list


I got to tattoo Miss Argentina from Beetlejuice too! WOO!


Anyway, I’m doing a couple of conventions this year but mainly will be working solidly at our little tattoo studio in Oxford

If you would like to make an appointment, as always check out the FAQS and send me an email!

Until next time!





Convention Schedule

Well, seeing as things are pretty busy at the moment I’ve only signed up to do two conventions next year. The Tattoo Tea Party in Manchester on the last weekend in Feb.



I’m already booked on the Saturday/Sunday but still have a full day on the Friday, love to do a full day but I’m open to a few littler pieces too 🙂

The next one is the Cardiff Tattoo and Toy convention in July


Which I signed up for at the end of the con this year as I had such a good time. No bookings for this yet apart from Lori, but I’d like to do a couple of film-themed pieces. Will be doing some movie flash if I can’t get booked up though so walk-ups may very well be welcome!

Now if anyone from far and wide would like me to come to a convention near them nearer the end of the year I might be open to sign up with Helen so do feel free to send me a message and I’ll see what I can do!

And remember- if you have any questions regarding booking please read the FAQs and email me

Thanks everyone 😀



Post Holiday Blues

So I am back from Borneo refreshed and rejuvenated, I don’t know what I’d do if I wasn’t coming back to my beautiful studio and tattooing such good people. This week has been full of good stuff, I’ve started some new amazing tattoos, added to some older ones and almost finished a couple!

I’ll start with Simon’s skull, he wanted a dark mark but not in the prison style tattoo. He definitely wanted something super badass. Harry Potter tattoos win.


and while he and Kirstie were in Oxford  I got a decent photo of Kirstie’s unfinished spooky lady tattoo


So the big news is obviously that Helen started at the Oxford studio before I went on holiday and she has been thriving! So if anyone wants to get a tattoo by an amazing tattoo artist without a zillion year waiting list then you should definitely take a look at her Website.


Here she is tattooing my good pal Lori

Here is a pic of an avengers tattoo I’ve been working on for a while now


And here is a stag Tattoo I started

deer stencil deertoooo


It’s going to be surrounded by jewels, flowers and lace. Love doing lush girly tattoos <3

Here is a hedgehog, this is part of a huge Radagast the brown themed piece on a leg


Here is a black and grey religious sleeve I’ve almost finished!



Finally I made this tattoo on the lovely Lee Silver….a little stone dreaming his cactus dream, colour to come later


Well, I have to say seeing Jen and Helen again and doing all these lovely tattoos on people have made coming back to my little Oxford tattoo studio a lot nicer than any other time I’ve had to come back off Holiday. Here are some snaps from my jaunt away

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Laters Slaters!

Autumn arrives….and so do some guests

October is almost here! A lot has happened in the last couple of months so let me dish the gossip!

First of all, for the last 3 weeks we have had the pleasure of having Aimee Cornwell as a guest in the studio. She did some amazing tattoos and I can’t stress how much she has taught me in terms of technique but also the courage I need to do do more freehand and generally just be more confident in my work.DSC_0017

She also gifted me this amazing tattoo, which hopefully I’ll get to repay when I do my guest spot at Nemesis Tattoo Studio (Seaham) in January. I am mega excited about going to work with such a talented bunch 😀



Aimee’s gone now, working the London Tattoo convention and then off to Berlin.

Briony, our little apprentice is also at the London convention this weekend just for fun. I tattooed her this week, covered up a near invisible old tattoo, It was nice but unfortunately if you don’t use any black ink things all but disappear in a few months.


And while she was living it up in London, I had a full day NO SHOW! on a Saturday…So I could have gone after all. Luckily I got to tattoo this delicious burger <3burger

I cannot explain how much I’ve wanted to do a food tattoo since I started tattooing!

I got to add this yellow rose and claddagh to Nick’s plaque, a real honour as the plaque was done by an amazing artist Hayley Hayes. Look how solid her colour is!yellowrose

Also made a start to the competition winner-Kirstie’s spooky ladyDSC_0023

Can’t wait to finish her!

The most exciting news though is that we have another artist coming to work at Jericho Tattoo Emporium. I’ve been really busy and can no longer take on much smaller work and my good friend Helen Louise Courtnage was looking for a Studio so et voila!helencourtnage

Helen is an incredibly solid tattooist , you can find her portfolio on the Jericho Tattoo Emporium website, or on her website

She will be working 1 or 2 days a week at first depending on demand then after Christmas she will hopefully be fulltime!

Oh, one last thing- Jen has updated her website so you can now buy her gorgeous jewellery and magic potions online!

Things are really taking off now, we never knew how successful it would be to just have a couple gals doing our thing in a Jericho basement. Thankyou to everyone who has supported our little venture from the start, we really appreciate it. <3

Tattoo life

Hey everyone, it’s been a busy few weeks! I had a great time at the Cardiff tattoo and toy convention with Madame Silver and the guys from Black rabbit.

tattooist oxford


We met Jack sparrow, Darth Vader and a bunch of sexy stormtroopers. Mmm tall.I tattooed this lovely mardy poodle lady on Lori-Jade

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I didn’t get a photo of it so I stole this off Lori’s IG, you should follow her if you love vintage clothes, greyhounds and sexy pinup ladies. The whole convention was full of amazing tattooists- in fact some of the best tattoo artists in the country. It was really intimidating, but so inspirational at the same time. I’ll be going back next year. Thankyou to everyone who came to say hello/supported me.

I’ve been pretty busy since getting back, I’ve done some really fun tattoos. I started this lovely day of the dead pinup.

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I’ve been trying out some new equipment and techniques lately and just having fun with things and I’ve loved the results. Here are some peacock feathers I managed to start and finish in the same session.



Here is a little (little! Ha!) thigh tattoo on Chris, I’ve been trying to make it look painty 🙂

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Aaaaand breathe! So the female tattoo show is coming up in September, I’ll be working it with a tonne of really good friends and lots of other sexy ladeez. I’m also looking forward to our guest artists!

In other news I’ve taken on an APPRENTICE! OMG. She’s showing some real potential and helping me out no end with my emails/workload at the shop, Follow her on her Instagram to see how she develops!

Thanks for looking my dears! Hopefully I’ll have more to show and update with from week to week now I am taking more photos.





Oxford Tattoo Studio Adventures

Aaaah it’s been a busy few months! I’ve been tattooing lots, exploring Jericho and I’ve even had some time off.
Here is a little frog tattoo I did

A few weeks ago I got to do some more on Matt’s Koi sleeve, he is a badass at getting tattooed and we’ve completed most of a colour sleeve in three full day sessions

Got to start this black and grey owl tattoo too

Then a tattoo on my friend Helen, who is a fellow Oxford tattoo artist, she wanted a pinup based on the ugly duckling story

It’s really fun being a tattooist! Hard work but fun.

Then I got to make this little cat tattoo on a lovely lady who traveled to Oxford all the way from Kent

Oh so some nice news too my good friend and very talented tattoo artist Luke Whitehurst is coming to do a guest spot in Oxford from wednesday August 13th till saturday 16th

He does amazing traditional style tattoos and some of the best script I’ve seen so if you’d like to book a tattoo with him on these dates and avoid the drive to Harrogate email him 😀
We also have some exciting changes coming up soon and may have some new, more permanent faces joining the Jericho Tattoo Emporium team.
Also, I’ve now added our aftercare advice to the website so I can avoid printing ten treesworth of aftercare sheets every week! Trying to do my bit for the environment, also it’ll be easier for you guys to just hop to the website whenever you need reminding.
thanks for reading!


Summer is coming…

Hey everyone!
Another blog post now that I have successfully settled into Oxford life, Jericho Tattoo Emporium is ticking along splendidly and I now have a 15 minute walk to work every day and thats it!
To everyone that didn’t know I’ve been having an awful time driving since the crash and now I’m pretty happy that I don’t have to at all.
Anyway, here are some of the new tattoos I’ve been working on

Here is a terrible ( but sunny) photo of one of Kat’s rainbow roses, we have to add some soft black and grey background but then we are done on that and onto her next piece!!

Also here is a quick little anchor banger I did the other day on a lovely lady who I’ve been tattooing a while (all the way back when I started tattooing in Reading!) she has the most amazing skin to tattoo, all the colours come out so bright

Here is a little lantern I started and finished in one today, great fun to be doing more black and grey now

generally though I’ve been working on huge pieces and not really taking proper photos, and the photos I have been taking are awful!
If you want to catch up with a bit more work check out my Instagram — hannahcalaveratattoo
We also now have a sign in the cowboymod window so hopefully all you lovely folk booked in can find us a bit easier!